Dred Scott Case 

Historical Context

Historical context is the political, social, cultural, and economic setting for a particular idea or event. In order to better understand something in history, we must look at its context--the things which proceed it in time and place. In this way, we can gain an understanding as to why certain events take place.

Somersett Decision (1772)

The Act which emancipated all slaves in England, decades prior to any such event taking place in the U.S.

States v. Government

The states right to self government rubbing up against federal control, boils down the popular sovereignty.

Numbers Problem

The issue many farmers owned when trying to produce labor intensive but productive crops, leads to slavery.

Contrasting Economies

Wildly different economies only widen the chasm between North and South.

Creation of New Territories

The idea of popular sovereignty and how it played into the westward expansion.


A timeline of the various events dealing with slavery leading up the climax in the 1850's.
