Dred Scott Case 

Numbers Problem 

- Settlers in the colonies found that there were not enough people to cultivate and farm this land, they needed a way to keep their crops growing and for as little money as possible

- Slaves were shipped over from Africa;  they were cheap to feed, and would work in your fields for as long as needed; this created a significant difference in the southern and northern societies, as  well as the type of economy; northern states specialized in manufactured goods, while southern states mainly produced raw materials

- Slavery was on the decline up to the late 18th century, as taking the seeds out of cotton and picking them were both long and tedious

-Through the invention of the cotton gin in 1793 the processing speed of cotton increased by 50 fold, freeing up slaves to solely picking cotton and driving prices down, creating an extremely lucrative cotton market
Extreme rise of cotton production is a direct cause of the cotton gin
The total percentage of cotton exports compared to the total U.S. exports

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